Heritage Constrained Buildings, Offices 2024

Fantuzzi Former Barracks, Belluno

Location: Belluno Client: Agenzia del Demanio, Direzione Regionale Veneto Amount: € 16.000.000

Efficiency and conservation for a new story

After being awarded the tender called by the Italian State Property Agency, we started the project for the restoration and re-functionalization of the Caserma Fantuzzi complex in Belluno. The intervention carried out together with geologist Maurizio Scardella, restorer Martina Fagioli and the company EOS ARC Srl for archaeological services, includes seismic upgrading of the main building in addition to the demolition and reconstruction of a second building.

The spaces will be entirely renovated and upgraded also from the energy point of view, ensuring comfort and efficiency to the administrative functions housed within them. The project assumes particular significance in view of the presence of elements of artistic and archaeological interest in the area that makes, of the complex of about 17,000 square meters, an asset protected by the Superintendence for Architectural and Landscape Heritage.

That of the former Fantuzzi Barracks represents one of the key interventions planned by the Agenzia del Demanio to reactivate and revive Italy’s historic barracks, investing particularly in regeneration and digitization. It is precisely on this last theme that Politecna’s approach to integrated design is based, here declined with BIM methodology, which guarantees optimal control of the entire process and a multidisciplinary perspective in project implementation.

This project was realised with Studio Progettazioni Integrali B.S. (SPIBS) – Mandataria.