Education and Culture 2021

New Public Library in Cesano Maderno (Monza)

Location: Cesano Maderno Client: Province of Monza and Brianza Amount: € 4.300.000

From the New Library to a new idea for the city

A few steps away from the old railway station in the small urban center of Cesano Maderno, the new Municipal Library offers approximately 1,150 square meters of space dedicated to the world of books and culture. The project overcomes the conventional idea of the library as a mere place for reading and lending books only, towards a more inclusive idea thanks to flexible spaces to accommodate different activities and contents of collective interest. Among these, a multifunctional and reconfigurable space allows different uses, such as commercial and leisure areas, as well as specific spaces dedicated to educational and cultural activities aimed at all ages. The New Library will act as a catalyst for the regeneration of the entire area, close to the layout of the Northern Railway, not far from the new station, in an area with significant residential and commercial presences.